|| Hari Om ||
If we want to make INDIA strong and competetant country it is very necessary that young students growth,education,all-round development is looked upon.So it is necessary towards students path that they get healthy food .
INDIA is a Agriculture based Nation.70% of population live in remote villages but they do not get healthy food, and hence 60% students are living in malnutrition.According to study this percentage is very high considering our neighbouring counrty Pakistan and Srilanka where all the time war condition is present.
And with a view of Giving atleast 1 time healthy meals to such students..
Sadguru Bapu(Aniruddha Dhairyadhar Joshi) started the
" Annapurna Prasadam Yojana ."
This is one of the 13 point program started under Sadguru Bapus guidance.
"Yadnena Danena Tapasa"
Giving something very pure to others has been noted in evey religion.We should recognize the scene from Mahabharat that Shri Krishna was very light in weight than the little 'Tulsi Patra',here tulsi patras Pureness is considered in all ways.In this 'Annapurna Yogana' all Shraddhavans give grains,their efforts with true love towards their Sadguru.
Annapuna Prasadam started in 1996 at Methi village in Dhule District where 250 students had afternoon meals served.According to the school need survey is carried out and Volunteers reach the respected school authorities and according to their views and discussion the 'Annapurna Prasadam Yojana'is started.All Shraddhavans participate with love in this yojana.They give food grains and their efforts as a Pure giving for their Sadguru.
Sadguru Bapus Sharddhavans Volunteerily everyday go to schools in Virar and make the afternoon meals and serve the students and Students enjoy their meals everyday.All the schools in virar are in remote areas so according to transportation they manage the working properly.
In the afternoon when the food is served they chant a beatiful Mantra
| वदनी कवळ घेता नाम घ्या श्रीहरीचे | सहज हवन होते नाम घेता फुकाचे ||
|जीवन करी जिवित्वा अन्न हे पूर्ण ब्रह्म | उदरभरण नोहे जाणिजे यज्ञकर्म ||
''Vadani Kaval gheta Nam ghyaa Shriharichee....." this mantra says that while eating we should remember our god when we take our gods name The food is easily offered as oblation when Lord’s name is chanted and our lives are converted very beautifully in to good one Food you are complete Brahama, having food is not just filling the stomach but is a type of fire-sacrifice.
We would continueeee moreee in next post Till then we should also participate in such a beautiful
' Annapurna Prasadam Yojana 'and countinue our path towards all of ours only One Bapurya.......
More to Come Kolhapur Medical Camp Annapurna Prasadam ,Ghorkashtodharan Pathan where lot of Grains are collected and more..
|| Hari Om ||
Jeethe tee Padela Tithe ANANDAVAN phulavatt
Bapu said "Shramaacha mhatavaa Majhakadee Khup ahee,jo Shram kartoi pan tari tylaa aanaa bhetat nahi ashyaanaa aapaan sahaayaa karu".Bapu continued that "We are not there to give to Footpath Bhikaris because that is their Dhanda(Business) If he is not doing any Shram then why to give him".
Bhonga Schools are temporary schools that are set up for a specific period of 6 months as the tribal people work there in the bricks workshop so their childrens are away from their schools and for their convenience the schools are setup in remote location close to their working areas and their childrens study there for 6 months and after certain period they come back to their previous schools.
In Virars Bhonga schools Bapu has started the Annapuna Yojana and every children gets meals over there also and the most important thing is that Bapu himself gives the required help for the Annapurna Prasadam Yojana carried out there , so we can know how Bapu himself actively participates in his yojana.Bapu was very happy with this Bhonga school Annaprasadam yojana because Bapu said "The worker their work for their stomach they work hard and their childrens dont get good food and all of you go there and server them food is vey good I am really very Happy".
Their is a very beautiful owi(2 lines):-
Puspha Umalale je Majhe Vahile Tula chi
Tula Tushe Deta nahi Bharuni micha Rahii
Its is Bapu who has thought about the remote areas people working there, their childrens and their conditions and not just thought but carried on for their betterment also.
In Diwali everywhere there are celebration and full of joy but what about the students in Bhonga Schools they also have feelings ,dont they feel to enjoy and eat sweet dishes.. Yes Sure ...these feelings were considered by Bapu and Diwali Faral(delicious variety of sweet dishes prepared in Diwali) vatap started in bhonga Schools and Adivasi Tribal areas.Every Volunteers just says "Bapu, we just see the Joy on their faces while taking the Faral and that is most beautiful thing."
Bapu said "We should respect hard Work"...
I would like to share i more incident happened on 26th july when every where water logging was there,Every one was stuck at certain locations some of the people were stuck at Happy Home Khar,and they were unable to go to their homes,So Nandai Aai told them to stop at Happy home and Aai herself made the food for all the people stuck there....
Tushiyaa Chayeet Amhaaa Kamii Kahiii Nahiiiii...
It was great Paurassinh Told us that a big Cooking vessel was taken and Aai herself started to make food for all of them stuck there..And everyone had a very good meal...Why not who would not like to eat from motherss Handss....Greatttt...
Bapus Says "Charity Begins at homeee" not just Says but practically does it...And then we slowly and steadily should learn and follow his Paths....which can take us close to him only...
Bapu also said "Dont ever think that we are doing something great on Others,dont even think that i am providing to the needy people, think they are our brothers and sisters and this is just a small gift from our BAPU"......
We would continue on as The kolhapur Medical Camp-the unconditional,..any Much More....